June 08, 2009

following added

I upgraded the template and added where any readers out there can follow me. Right now I have no followers.

Just a link

Texas Public Policy Foundation essentially does what I intended this blog to do. "The Foundation’s mission is to improve Texas by generating academically sound research and data on state issues, and by recommending the findings to opinion leaders, policymakers, the media and general public." The Foundation is "guided by the core principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, private property rights, free markets and limited government." My kind of people...

I wish I could keep up on everything. I hear and read stuff in the paper and on the news every day. My intentions are to come home, do research, and put it on here so that people can make an informed vote. I have a tray full of topics to look into. President "The Change" is generating more subject matter than I can keep up with.

Anyhow... Check out the site. Hope you find it useful.

January 26, 2009


Since I last posted anything on here, we moved, started a new job, graduated fire academy a second time, built a house, are expecting our third kid, missed a presidential election, saw the near-demise of the TTC, and other things. I plan on getting back up to date with this blog, but it won't be in the near future.