January 26, 2009


Since I last posted anything on here, we moved, started a new job, graduated fire academy a second time, built a house, are expecting our third kid, missed a presidential election, saw the near-demise of the TTC, and other things. I plan on getting back up to date with this blog, but it won't be in the near future.


Fincher said...

Thanks for filling me in on how you found my blog. It's for readers like you that I have not limited my privacy settings. I'm glad you found it, and I'm glad you read it.

When things get back up to speed on your blog, I'll check it out!

Fincher said...

Just wanted to let you know that I changed my URL. I'll make myself a follower of your blog so you can get to my new URL, if you're still out there reading it.

for a better america said...


Should you read this....

I added the following feature so you could make yourself a follower.

Yes, I am still here to read it.